get_shortwave_rad_fluxes Subroutine

public subroutine get_shortwave_rad_fluxes(psa, qa, icltop, cloudc, clstr, fsfcd, fsfc, ftop, dfabs)


  • proc~~get_shortwave_rad_fluxes~~UsesGraph proc~get_shortwave_rad_fluxes get_shortwave_rad_fluxes module~mod_radcon mod_radcon proc~get_shortwave_rad_fluxes->module~mod_radcon module~geometry geometry proc~get_shortwave_rad_fluxes->module~geometry module~params params module~mod_radcon->module~params module~geometry->module~params

Compute the absorption of shortwave radiation and initialize arrays for longwave-radiation routines


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real, intent(in) :: psa(ix,il)

Normalised surface pressure [p/p0]

real, intent(in) :: qa(ix,il,kx)

Specific humidity [g/kg]

integer, intent(in) :: icltop(ix,il)

Cloud top level

real, intent(in) :: cloudc(ix,il)

Total cloud cover

real, intent(in) :: clstr(ix,il)

Stratiform cloud cover

real, intent(out) :: fsfcd(ix,il)

Total downward flux of short-wave radiation at the surface

real, intent(out) :: fsfc(ix,il)

Net downward flux of short-wave radiation at the surface

real, intent(out) :: ftop(ix,il)

Net downward flux of short-wave radiation at the top of the atmosphere

real, intent(out) :: dfabs(ix,il,kx)

Flux of short-wave radiation absorbed in each atmospheric layer

Called by

proc~~get_shortwave_rad_fluxes~~CalledByGraph proc~get_shortwave_rad_fluxes get_shortwave_rad_fluxes proc~get_physical_tendencies get_physical_tendencies proc~get_physical_tendencies->proc~get_shortwave_rad_fluxes

