longwave_radiation Module

Parametrization of long-wave radiation


  • module~~longwave_radiation~~UsesGraph module~longwave_radiation longwave_radiation module~params params module~longwave_radiation->module~params

Used by

  • module~~longwave_radiation~~UsedByGraph module~longwave_radiation longwave_radiation proc~set_forcing set_forcing proc~set_forcing->module~longwave_radiation proc~get_physical_tendencies get_physical_tendencies proc~get_physical_tendencies->module~longwave_radiation



TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
integer, private, parameter:: nband =4


public subroutine get_downward_longwave_rad_fluxes(ta, fsfcd, dfabs)

Compute the downward flux of long-wave radiation


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real, intent(in) :: ta(ix,il,kx)

Absolute temperature [K]

real, intent(out) :: fsfcd(ix,il)

Downward flux of long-wave radiation at the surface

real, intent(out) :: dfabs(ix,il,kx)

Flux of long-wave radiation absorbed in each atmospheric layer

public subroutine get_upward_longwave_rad_fluxes(ta, ts, fsfcd, fsfcu, fsfc, ftop, dfabs)

Compute the absorption of upward long-wave radiation fluxes


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real, intent(in) :: ta(ix,il,kx)

Absolute temperature

real, intent(in) :: ts(ix,il)

Surface temperature

real, intent(in) :: fsfcd(ix,il)

Downward flux of long-wave radiation at the surface

real, intent(in) :: fsfcu(ix,il)

Surface blackbody emission

real, intent(out) :: fsfc(ix,il)

Net upward flux of long-wave radiation at the surface

real, intent(out) :: ftop(ix,il)

Outgoing flux of long-wave radiation at the top of the atmosphere

real, intent(inout) :: dfabs(ix,il,kx)

Flux of long-wave radiation absorbed in each atmospheric layer

public subroutine radset()

Compute energy fractions in longwave bands as a function of temperature

