diagnostics.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~diagnostics.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~diagnostics.f90 diagnostics.f90 sourcefile~params.f90 params.f90 sourcefile~diagnostics.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~spectral.f90 spectral.f90 sourcefile~diagnostics.f90->sourcefile~spectral.f90 sourcefile~spectral.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~fourier.f90 fourier.f90 sourcefile~spectral.f90->sourcefile~fourier.f90 sourcefile~physical_constants.f90 physical_constants.f90 sourcefile~spectral.f90->sourcefile~physical_constants.f90 sourcefile~legendre.f90 legendre.f90 sourcefile~spectral.f90->sourcefile~legendre.f90 sourcefile~geometry.f90 geometry.f90 sourcefile~spectral.f90->sourcefile~geometry.f90 sourcefile~fourier.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~fourier.f90->sourcefile~geometry.f90 sourcefile~physical_constants.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~legendre.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~legendre.f90->sourcefile~physical_constants.f90 sourcefile~legendre.f90->sourcefile~geometry.f90 sourcefile~geometry.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~geometry.f90->sourcefile~physical_constants.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~diagnostics.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~diagnostics.f90 diagnostics.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90 speedy.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90->sourcefile~diagnostics.f90 sourcefile~prognostics.f90 prognostics.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90->sourcefile~prognostics.f90 sourcefile~time_stepping.f90 time_stepping.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90->sourcefile~time_stepping.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90 initialization.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90->sourcefile~initialization.f90 sourcefile~prognostics.f90->sourcefile~diagnostics.f90 sourcefile~tendencies.f90 tendencies.f90 sourcefile~tendencies.f90->sourcefile~prognostics.f90 sourcefile~time_stepping.f90->sourcefile~prognostics.f90 sourcefile~time_stepping.f90->sourcefile~tendencies.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90->sourcefile~prognostics.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90->sourcefile~time_stepping.f90


Source Code

Source Code

!> author: Sam Hatfield, Fred Kucharski, Franco Molteni
!  date: 01/05/2019
!  For checking model diagnostics in case of numerical instability.
module diagnostics
    implicit none

    public check_diagnostics

    !> Prints global means of eddy kinetic energy and temperature.
    !  Also stops the integration if the computed diagnostics are outside of
    !  allowable ranges.
    subroutine check_diagnostics(vor, div, t, istep)
        use params
        use spectral, only: inverse_laplacian

        complex, dimension(mx,nx,kx), intent(in) :: vor   !! Spectral vorticity
        complex, dimension(mx,nx,kx), intent(in) :: div   !! Spectral divergence
        complex, dimension(mx,nx,kx), intent(in) :: t     !! Spectral temperature
        integer, intent(in)                      :: istep !! Current time step

        integer :: k, m, n, kk
        complex :: temp(mx,nx)
        real :: diag(kx,3)

        ! 1. Get global-mean temperature and compute eddy kinetic energy
        do k = 1, kx
            diag(k,1) = 0.0
            diag(k,2) = 0.0
            diag(k,3) = sqrt(0.5)*real(t(1,1,k))

            temp = inverse_laplacian(vor(:,:,k))

            do m = 2, mx
                do n = 1, nx
                    diag(k,1) = diag(k,1) - real(temp(m,n)*conjg(vor(m,n,k)))
                end do
            end do

            temp = inverse_laplacian(div(:,:,k))

            do m = 2, mx
                do n = 1, nx
                    diag(k,2) = diag(k,2) - real(temp(m,n)*conjg(div(m,n,k)))
                end do
            end do
        end do

        ! 2. Print results to screen
        if (mod(istep, nstdia) == 0) then
            print 2001, istep, (diag(k,1), k = 1, kx)
            print 2002,        (diag(k,2), k = 1, kx)
            print 2003,        (diag(k,3), k = 1, kx)
        end if

        ! 3. Stop integration if model variables are out of range
        do k = 1, kx
            if (diag(k,1) > 500.0 .or. diag(k,2) > 500.0 .or. diag(k,3) < 180.0 .or. &
                & diag(k,3) > 320.0) then

                print 2001, istep, (diag(kk,1), kk = 1, kx)
                print 2002,        (diag(kk,2), kk = 1, kx)
                print 2003,        (diag(kk,3), kk = 1, kx)

                stop 'Model variables out of accepted range'
            end if
        end do

        2001 format(' step =',i6,' reke =', (10f8.2))
        2002 format         (13x,' deke =', (10f8.2))
        2003 format         (13x,' temp =', (10f8.2))
    end subroutine
end module