convection Module

Parametrization of convection

Convection is modelled using a simplified version of the Tiedke (1993) mass-flux convection scheme.


  • module~~convection~~UsesGraph module~convection convection module~params params module~convection->module~params

Used by

  • module~~convection~~UsedByGraph module~convection convection proc~get_physical_tendencies get_physical_tendencies proc~get_physical_tendencies->module~convection



TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
real, private, parameter:: psmin =0.8

Minimum (normalised) surface pressure for the occurrence of convection

real, private, parameter:: trcnv =6.0

Time of relaxation (in hours) towards reference state

real, private, parameter:: rhbl =0.9

Relative humidity threshold in the boundary layer

real, private, parameter:: rhil =0.7

Relative humidity threshold in intermeduate layers for secondary mass flux

real, private, parameter:: entmax =0.5

Maximum entrainment as a fraction of cloud-base mass flux

real, private, parameter:: smf =0.8

Ratio between secondary and primary mass flux at cloud-base


public subroutine get_convection_tendencies(psa, se, qa, qsat, itop, cbmf, precnv, dfse, dfqa)

Compute convective fluxes of dry static energy and moisture using a simplified mass-flux scheme


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real, intent(in) :: psa(ix,il)

Normalised surface pressure [p/p0]

real, intent(in) :: se(ix,il,kx)

Dry static energy [c_p.T + g.z]

real, intent(in) :: qa(ix,il,kx)

Specific humidity [g/kg]

real, intent(in) :: qsat(ix,il,kx)

Saturation specific humidity [g/kg]

integer, intent(out) :: itop(ix,il)

Top of convection (layer index)

real, intent(out) :: cbmf(ix,il)

Cloud-base mass flux

real, intent(out) :: precnv(ix,il)

Convective precipitation [g/(m^2 s)]

real, intent(out) :: dfse(ix,il,kx)

Net flux of dry static energy into each atmospheric layer

real, intent(out) :: dfqa(ix,il,kx)

Net flux of specific humidity into each atmospheric layer

private subroutine diagnose_convection(psa, se, qa, qsat, itop, qdif)

Diagnose convectively unstable gridboxes

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Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real, intent(in) :: psa(ix,il)

Normalised surface pressure [p/p0]

real, intent(in) :: se(ix,il,kx)

Dry static energy [c_p.T + g.z]

real, intent(in) :: qa(ix,il,kx)

Specific humidity [g/kg]

real, intent(in) :: qsat(ix,il,kx)

Saturation specific humidity [g/kg]

integer, intent(out) :: itop(ix,il)

Top of convection (layer index)

real, intent(out) :: qdif(ix,il)

Excess humidity in convective gridboxes