convection.f90 Source File

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sourcefile~~convection.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~convection.f90 convection.f90 sourcefile~params.f90 params.f90 sourcefile~convection.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~physical_constants.f90 physical_constants.f90 sourcefile~convection.f90->sourcefile~physical_constants.f90 sourcefile~geometry.f90 geometry.f90 sourcefile~convection.f90->sourcefile~geometry.f90 sourcefile~physical_constants.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~geometry.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~geometry.f90->sourcefile~physical_constants.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~convection.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~convection.f90 convection.f90 sourcefile~physics.f90 physics.f90 sourcefile~physics.f90->sourcefile~convection.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90 initialization.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90->sourcefile~physics.f90 sourcefile~time_stepping.f90 time_stepping.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90->sourcefile~time_stepping.f90 sourcefile~tendencies.f90 tendencies.f90 sourcefile~tendencies.f90->sourcefile~physics.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90 speedy.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90->sourcefile~initialization.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90->sourcefile~time_stepping.f90 sourcefile~time_stepping.f90->sourcefile~tendencies.f90


Source Code

Source Code

!> Parametrization of convection
!  Convection is modelled using a simplified version of the Tiedke (1993)
!  mass-flux convection scheme.
module convection
    use params

    implicit none

    public get_convection_tendencies

    ! Constants for convection
    real, parameter :: psmin  = 0.8 !! Minimum (normalised) surface pressure for the occurrence of
                                    !! convection
    real, parameter :: trcnv  = 6.0 !! Time of relaxation (in hours) towards reference state
    real, parameter :: rhbl   = 0.9 !! Relative humidity threshold in the boundary layer
    real, parameter :: rhil   = 0.7 !! Relative humidity threshold in intermeduate layers for
                                    !! secondary mass flux
    real, parameter :: entmax = 0.5 !! Maximum entrainment as a fraction of cloud-base mass flux
    real, parameter :: smf    = 0.8 !! Ratio between secondary and primary mass flux at cloud-base

    !> Compute convective fluxes of dry static energy and moisture using a
    !  simplified mass-flux scheme
    subroutine get_convection_tendencies(psa, se, qa, qsat, itop, cbmf, precnv, dfse, dfqa)
        use physical_constants, only: p0, alhc, alhs, wvi, grav
        use geometry, only: fsg, dhs

        real, intent(in) :: psa(ix,il)      !! Normalised surface pressure [p/p0]
        real, intent(in) :: se(ix,il,kx)    !! Dry static energy [c_p.T + g.z]
        real, intent(in) :: qa(ix,il,kx)    !! Specific humidity [g/kg]
        real, intent(in) :: qsat(ix,il,kx)  !! Saturation specific humidity [g/kg]
        integer, intent(out) :: itop(ix,il) !! Top of convection (layer index)
        real, intent(out) :: cbmf(ix,il)    !! Cloud-base mass flux
        real, intent(out) :: precnv(ix,il)  !! Convective precipitation [g/(m^2 s)]
        real, intent(out) :: dfse(ix,il,kx) !! Net flux of dry static energy into each atmospheric
                                            !! layer
        real, intent(out) :: dfqa(ix,il,kx) !! Net flux of specific humidity into each atmospheric
                                            !! layer

        integer :: i, j, k, k1, nl1, nlp
        real :: qdif(ix,il)
        real :: entr(2:kx-1), delq, enmass, fdq, fds, fm0, fmass, fpsa, fqmax
        real :: fsq, fuq, fus, qb, qmax, qsatb, rdps, sb, sentr

        ! 1. Initialization of output and workspace arrays
        nl1 = kx - 1
        nlp = kx + 1
        fqmax = 5.0

        fm0 = p0*dhs(kx)/(grav*trcnv*3600.0)
        rdps=2.0/(1.0 - psmin)

        dfse = 0.0
        dfqa = 0.0

        cbmf = 0.0
        precnv = 0.0

        ! Entrainment profile (up to sigma = 0.5)
        sentr = 0.0
        do k = 2, nl1
            entr(k) = (max(0.0, fsg(k) - 0.5))**2.0
            sentr = sentr + entr(k)
        end do

        sentr = entmax/sentr
        entr(2:nl1) = entr(2:nl1) * sentr

        ! 2. Check of conditions for convection
        call diagnose_convection(psa, se, qa, qsat, itop, qdif)

        ! 3. Convection over selected grid-points
        do i = 1, ix
            do j = 1, il
                if (itop(i,j) == nlp) cycle

                ! 3.1 Boundary layer (cloud base)
                k = kx
                k1 = k - 1

                ! Maximum specific humidity in the PBL
                qmax = max(1.01*qa(i,j,k), qsat(i,j,k))

                ! Dry static energy and moisture at upper boundary
                sb = se(i,j,k1) + wvi(k1,2)*(se(i,j,k) - se(i,j,k1))
                qb = qa(i,j,k1) + wvi(k1,2)*(qa(i,j,k) - qa(i,j,k1))
                qb = min(qb, qa(i,j,k))

                ! Cloud-base mass flux, computed to satisfy:
                ! fmass*(qmax-qb)*(g/dp)=qdif/trcnv
                fpsa = psa(i,j)*min(1.0, (psa(i,j) - psmin)*rdps)
                fmass = fm0*fpsa*min(fqmax, qdif(i,j)/(qmax - qb))
                cbmf(i,j) = fmass

                ! Upward fluxes at upper boundary
                fus = fmass*se(i,j,k)
                fuq = fmass*qmax

                ! Downward fluxes at upper boundary
                fds = fmass*sb
                fdq = fmass*qb

                ! Net flux of dry static energy and moisture
                dfse(i,j,k) = fds - fus
                dfqa(i,j,k) = fdq - fuq

                ! 3.2 Intermediate layers (entrainment)
                do k = kx - 1, itop(i, j) + 1, -1
                    k1 = k - 1

                    ! Fluxes at lower boundary
                    dfse(i,j,k) = fus - fds
                    dfqa(i,j,k) = fuq - fdq

                    ! Mass entrainment
                    enmass = entr(k)*psa(i,j)*cbmf(i,j)
                    fmass = fmass + enmass

                    ! Upward fluxes at upper boundary
                    fus = fus + enmass*se(i,j,k)
                    fuq = fuq + enmass*qa(i,j,k)

                    ! Downward fluxes at upper boundary
                    sb = se(i,j,k1) + wvi(k1,2)*(se(i,j,k) - se(i,j,k1))
                    qb = qa(i,j,k1) + wvi(k1,2)*(qa(i,j,k) - qa(i,j,k1))
                    fds = fmass*sb
                    fdq = fmass*qb

                    ! Net flux of dry static energy and moisture
                    dfse(i,j,k) = dfse(i,j,k) + fds - fus
                    dfqa(i,j,k) = dfqa(i,j,k) + fdq - fuq

                    ! Secondary moisture flux
                    delq = rhil*qsat(i,j,k) - qa(i,j,k)
                    if (delq > 0.0) then
                        fsq = smf*cbmf(i,j)*delq
                        dfqa(i,j,k)   = dfqa(i,j,k) + fsq
                        dfqa(i,j,kx) = dfqa(i,j,kx) - fsq
                    end if
                end do

                ! 3.3 Top layer (condensation and detrainment)
                k = itop(i,j)

                ! Flux of convective precipitation
                qsatb = qsat(i,j,k) + wvi(k,2)*(qsat(i,j,k+1) - qsat(i,j,k))

                precnv(i,j) = max(fuq - fmass*qsatb, 0.0)

                ! Net flux of dry static energy and moisture
                dfse(i,j,k) = fus - fds + alhc*precnv(i,j)
                dfqa(i,j,k) = fuq - fdq - precnv(i,j)
            end do
        end do

    !> Diagnose convectively unstable gridboxes
    !  Convection is activated in gridboxes with conditional instability. This
    !  is diagnosed by checking for any tropopsheric half level where the
    !  saturation moist static energy is lower than in the boundary-layer level.
    !  In gridboxes where this is true, convection is activated if either: there
    !  is convective instability - the actual moist static energy at the
    !  tropospheric level is lower than in the boundary-layer level, or, the
    !  relative humidity in the boundary-layer level and lowest tropospheric
    !  level exceed a set threshold (rhbl).
    subroutine diagnose_convection(psa, se, qa, qsat, itop, qdif)
        use physical_constants, only: alhc, wvi

        real, intent(in) :: psa(ix,il)      !! Normalised surface pressure [p/p0]
        real, intent(in) :: se(ix,il,kx)    !! Dry static energy [c_p.T + g.z]
        real, intent(in) :: qa(ix,il,kx)    !! Specific humidity [g/kg]
        real, intent(in) :: qsat(ix,il,kx)  !! Saturation specific humidity [g/kg]
        integer, intent(out) :: itop(ix,il) !! Top of convection (layer index)
        real, intent(out) :: qdif(ix,il)    !! Excess humidity in convective gridboxes

        integer :: i, j, k, ktop1, ktop2, nl1, nlp
        real :: mss(ix,il,2:kx), mse0, mse1, mss0, mss2, msthr
        real :: qthr0, qthr1, rlhc
        logical :: lqthr

        nl1 = kx - 1
        nlp = kx + 1

        ! Saturation moist static energy
        do k = 2, kx
            mss(:,:,k) = se(:,:,k) + alhc*qsat(:,:,k)
        end do

        rlhc = 1.0/alhc

        do i = 1, ix
            do j = 1, il
                itop(i,j) = nlp

                if (psa(i,j) > psmin) then
                    ! Minimum of moist static energy in the lowest two levels
                    mse0 = se(i,j,kx) + alhc*qa(i,j,kx)
                    mse1 = se(i,j,nl1) + alhc*qa(i,j,nl1)
                    mse1 = min(mse0, mse1)

                    ! Saturation (or super-saturated) moist static energy in PBL
                    mss0 = max(mse0, mss(i,j,kx))

                    ktop1 = kx
                    ktop2 = kx

                    do k = kx-3, 3, -1
                        mss2 = mss(i,j,k) + wvi(k,2)*(mss(i,j,k+1) - mss(i,j,k))

                        ! Check 1: conditional instability
                        !          (MSS in PBL > MSS at top level)
                        if (mss0 > mss2) then
                           ktop1 = k
                        end if

                        ! Check 2: gradient of actual moist static energy
                        !          between lower and upper troposphere
                        if (mse1 > mss2) then
                           ktop2 = k
                           msthr = mss2
                        end if
                    end do

                    if (ktop1 < kx) then
                        ! Check 3: RH > RH_c at both k=NLEV and k=NL1
                        qthr0 = rhbl*qsat(i,j,kx)
                        qthr1 = rhbl*qsat(i,j,nl1)
                        lqthr = (qa(i,j,kx) > qthr0 .and. qa(i,j,nl1) > qthr1)

                        if (ktop2 < kx) then
                           itop(i,j) = ktop1
                           qdif(i,j) = max(qa(i,j,kx) - qthr0, (mse0 - msthr)*rlhc)
                        else if (lqthr) then
                           itop(i,j) = ktop1
                           qdif(i,j) = qa(i,j,kx) - qthr0
                        end if
                    end if
                end if
            end do
        end do
end module