interpolation.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~interpolation.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~interpolation.f90 interpolation.f90 sourcefile~date.f90 date.f90 sourcefile~interpolation.f90->sourcefile~date.f90 sourcefile~params.f90 params.f90 sourcefile~interpolation.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~date.f90->sourcefile~params.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~interpolation.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~interpolation.f90 interpolation.f90 sourcefile~sea_model.f90 sea_model.f90 sourcefile~sea_model.f90->sourcefile~interpolation.f90 sourcefile~land_model.f90 land_model.f90 sourcefile~land_model.f90->sourcefile~interpolation.f90 sourcefile~forcing.f90 forcing.f90 sourcefile~forcing.f90->sourcefile~sea_model.f90 sourcefile~forcing.f90->sourcefile~land_model.f90 sourcefile~surface_fluxes.f90 surface_fluxes.f90 sourcefile~forcing.f90->sourcefile~surface_fluxes.f90 sourcefile~coupler.f90 coupler.f90 sourcefile~coupler.f90->sourcefile~sea_model.f90 sourcefile~coupler.f90->sourcefile~land_model.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90 initialization.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90->sourcefile~sea_model.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90->sourcefile~forcing.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90->sourcefile~coupler.f90 sourcefile~physics.f90 physics.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90->sourcefile~physics.f90 sourcefile~time_stepping.f90 time_stepping.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90->sourcefile~time_stepping.f90 sourcefile~surface_fluxes.f90->sourcefile~land_model.f90 sourcefile~physics.f90->sourcefile~sea_model.f90 sourcefile~physics.f90->sourcefile~land_model.f90 sourcefile~physics.f90->sourcefile~surface_fluxes.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90 speedy.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90->sourcefile~forcing.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90->sourcefile~coupler.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90->sourcefile~initialization.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90->sourcefile~time_stepping.f90 sourcefile~tendencies.f90 tendencies.f90 sourcefile~tendencies.f90->sourcefile~physics.f90 sourcefile~time_stepping.f90->sourcefile~tendencies.f90


Source Code

Source Code

!> author: Sam Hatfield, Fred Kucharski, Franco Molteni
!  date: 09/05/2019
!  For interpolating fields in time.
module interpolation
    use date, only: tmonth
    use params, only: ix, il

    implicit none

    public forint, forin5

    !> Performs linear interpolation of monthly-mean forcing fields.
    subroutine forint(imon, for12, for1)
        integer, intent(in) :: imon        !! The month
        real, intent(in) :: for12(ix*il,*) !! The input field
        real, intent(inout) :: for1(ix*il) !! The output field

        integer :: imon2
        real :: wmon

        if (tmonth <= 0.5) then
            imon2 = imon - 1
            if (imon == 1) imon2 = 12
            wmon = 0.5 - tmonth
            imon2 = imon+1
            if (imon == 12) imon2 = 1
            wmon = tmonth - 0.5
        end if

        for1 = for12(:,imon) + wmon*(for12(:,imon2) - for12(:,imon))
    end subroutine

    !> Performs nonlinear, mean-conserving interpolation of monthly-mean forcing fields.
    subroutine forin5(imon, for12, for1)
        integer, intent(in) :: imon         !! The month
        real, intent(in) :: for12(ix*il,12) !! The input field
        real, intent(inout) :: for1(ix*il)  !! The output field

        integer :: im1, im2, ip1, ip2
        real :: c0, t0, t1, t2, wm1, wm2, w0, wp1, wp2

        im2 = imon - 2
        im1 = imon - 1
        ip1 = imon + 1
        ip2 = imon + 2

        if (im2 < 1)  im2 = im2 + 12
        if (im1 < 1)  im1 = im1 + 12
        if (ip1 > 12) ip1 = ip1 - 12
        if (ip2 > 12) ip2 = ip2 - 12

        c0 = 1.0/12.0
        t0 = c0*tmonth
        t1 = c0*(1.0 - tmonth)
        t2 = 0.25*tmonth*(1 - tmonth)

        wm2 =        -t1   +t2
        wm1 =  -c0 +8*t1 -6*t2
        w0  = 7*c0      +10*t2
        wp1 =  -c0 +8*t0 -6*t2
        wp2 =        -t0   +t2

        for1 = wm2*for12(:,im2) + wm1*for12(:,im1) + w0*for12(:,imon) +&
            & wp1*for12(:,ip1) + wp2*for12(:,ip2)
    end subroutine
end module