land_model.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~land_model.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~land_model.f90 land_model.f90 sourcefile~date.f90 date.f90 sourcefile~land_model.f90->sourcefile~date.f90 sourcefile~input_output.f90 input_output.f90 sourcefile~land_model.f90->sourcefile~input_output.f90 sourcefile~boundaries.f90 boundaries.f90 sourcefile~land_model.f90->sourcefile~boundaries.f90 sourcefile~interpolation.f90 interpolation.f90 sourcefile~land_model.f90->sourcefile~interpolation.f90 sourcefile~params.f90 params.f90 sourcefile~land_model.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~auxiliaries.f90 auxiliaries.f90 sourcefile~land_model.f90->sourcefile~auxiliaries.f90 sourcefile~date.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~input_output.f90->sourcefile~date.f90 sourcefile~input_output.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~spectral.f90 spectral.f90 sourcefile~input_output.f90->sourcefile~spectral.f90 sourcefile~physical_constants.f90 physical_constants.f90 sourcefile~input_output.f90->sourcefile~physical_constants.f90 sourcefile~geometry.f90 geometry.f90 sourcefile~input_output.f90->sourcefile~geometry.f90 sourcefile~boundaries.f90->sourcefile~input_output.f90 sourcefile~boundaries.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~boundaries.f90->sourcefile~spectral.f90 sourcefile~boundaries.f90->sourcefile~physical_constants.f90 sourcefile~interpolation.f90->sourcefile~date.f90 sourcefile~interpolation.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~auxiliaries.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~spectral.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~spectral.f90->sourcefile~physical_constants.f90 sourcefile~spectral.f90->sourcefile~geometry.f90 sourcefile~legendre.f90 legendre.f90 sourcefile~spectral.f90->sourcefile~legendre.f90 sourcefile~fourier.f90 fourier.f90 sourcefile~spectral.f90->sourcefile~fourier.f90 sourcefile~physical_constants.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~geometry.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~geometry.f90->sourcefile~physical_constants.f90 sourcefile~legendre.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~legendre.f90->sourcefile~physical_constants.f90 sourcefile~legendre.f90->sourcefile~geometry.f90 sourcefile~fourier.f90->sourcefile~params.f90 sourcefile~fourier.f90->sourcefile~geometry.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~land_model.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~land_model.f90 land_model.f90 sourcefile~surface_fluxes.f90 surface_fluxes.f90 sourcefile~surface_fluxes.f90->sourcefile~land_model.f90 sourcefile~forcing.f90 forcing.f90 sourcefile~forcing.f90->sourcefile~land_model.f90 sourcefile~forcing.f90->sourcefile~surface_fluxes.f90 sourcefile~physics.f90 physics.f90 sourcefile~physics.f90->sourcefile~land_model.f90 sourcefile~physics.f90->sourcefile~surface_fluxes.f90 sourcefile~coupler.f90 coupler.f90 sourcefile~coupler.f90->sourcefile~land_model.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90 speedy.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90->sourcefile~forcing.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90->sourcefile~coupler.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90 initialization.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90->sourcefile~initialization.f90 sourcefile~time_stepping.f90 time_stepping.f90 sourcefile~speedy.f90->sourcefile~time_stepping.f90 sourcefile~tendencies.f90 tendencies.f90 sourcefile~tendencies.f90->sourcefile~physics.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90->sourcefile~forcing.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90->sourcefile~physics.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90->sourcefile~coupler.f90 sourcefile~initialization.f90->sourcefile~time_stepping.f90 sourcefile~time_stepping.f90->sourcefile~tendencies.f90


Source Code

Source Code

!> author: Sam Hatfield, Fred Kucharski, Franco Molteni
!  date: 09/05/2019
!  For running the land-surface model.
module land_model
    use params

    implicit none

    public stl_am, snowd_am, soilw_am
    public land_model_init, couple_land_atm
    public fmask_l
    public land_coupling_flag
    public sd2sc

    real :: rhcapl(ix,il) !! 1/heat capacity (land)
    real :: cdland(ix,il) !! 1/dissipation time (land)

    ! Daily observed climatological fields over land
    real :: stlcl_ob(ix,il)   !! Climatological land surface temperature
    real :: snowdcl_ob(ix,il) !! Climatological snow depth (water equivalent)
    real :: soilwcl_ob(ix,il) !! Climatological soil water availability

    ! Land surface fields used by atmospheric model
    real :: stl_am(ix,il)   !! Land surface temperature
    real :: snowd_am(ix,il) !! Snow depth (water equivalent)
    real :: soilw_am(ix,il) !! Soil water availability

    ! Land surface fields from land model
    real :: stl_lm(ix,il) !! Land-model surface temperature

    ! Land masks
    real :: fmask_l(ix,il) !! Fraction of land
    real :: bmask_l(ix,il) !! Binary land mask

    real :: stl12(ix,il,12)   !! Land surface temperature monthly-mean climatology
    real :: snowd12(ix,il,12) !! Snow depth (water equivalent) monthly-mean climatology
    real :: soilw12(ix,il,12) !! Soil water availability monthly-mean climatology

    integer :: land_coupling_flag = 1 !! Flag for land-coupling (0: off, 1: on)

    real, parameter :: sd2sc = 60.0 !! Snow depth (mm water) corresponding to snow cover = 1

    !> Initializes land model.
    subroutine land_model_init
        use input_output, only: load_boundary_file
        use boundaries, only: forchk, fmask, alb0, fillsf

        ! Auxiliary variables
        integer :: i, j, month
        real :: dmask(ix,il) ! domain mask
        real :: depth_soil, depth_lice, tdland, hcapl, hcapli, flandmin

        ! Soil moisture parameters
        ! Soil wetness at field capacity (volume fraction)
        real :: swcap = 0.30

        ! Soil wetness at wilting point  (volume fraction)
        real :: swwil = 0.17

        ! Threshold for land-sea mask definition (i.e. minimum fraction of
        ! either land or sea)
        real :: thrsh = 0.1

        real :: rsw, sdep1, sdep2, swroot, swwil2
        real, dimension(ix,il) :: veg_low, veg_high, veg, swl1, swl2
        integer :: idep2

        ! =========================================================================
        ! Initialize land-surface boundary conditions
        ! =========================================================================

        ! Fractional and binary land masks
        fmask_l = fmask
        do j = 1, il
            do i = 1, ix
                if (fmask_l(i,j) >= thrsh) then
                    bmask_l(i,j) = 1.0
                    if (fmask(i,j) > (1.0 - thrsh)) fmask_l(i,j) = 1.0
                    bmask_l(i,j) = 0.0
                    fmask_l(i,j) = 0.0
                end if
            end do
        end do

        ! Land-surface temperature
        do month = 1, 12
            stl12(:,:,month) = load_boundary_file("", "stl", month)

            call fillsf(stl12(:,:,month), 0.0)
        end do

        call forchk(bmask_l, 12, 0.0, 400.0, 273.0, stl12)

        ! Snow depth
        do month = 1, 12
            snowd12(:,:,month) = load_boundary_file("", "snowd", month)
        end do

        call forchk(bmask_l, 12, 0.0, 20000.0, 0.0, snowd12)

        ! Read soil moisture and compute soil water availability using vegetation fraction
        ! Read vegetation fraction
        veg_high = load_boundary_file("", "vegh")
        veg_low  = load_boundary_file("", "vegl")

        ! Combine high and low vegetation fractions
        veg = max(0.0, veg_high + 0.8*veg_low)

        ! Read soil moisture
        sdep1 = 70.0
        idep2 = 3
        sdep2 = idep2*sdep1

        swwil2 = idep2*swwil
        rsw    = 1.0/(swcap + idep2*(swcap - swwil))

        do month = 1, 12
            ! Combine soil water content from two top layers
            swl1 = load_boundary_file("", "swl1", month)
            swl2 = load_boundary_file("", "swl2", month)

            do j = 1, il
                do i = 1, ix
                    swroot = idep2*swl2(i,j)
                    soilw12(i,j,month) = min(1.0, rsw*(swl1(i,j) + veg(i,j) &
                        & *max(0.0, swroot - swwil2)))
                end do
            end do
        end do

        call forchk(bmask_l, 12, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, soilw12)

        ! =========================================================================
        ! Set heat capacities and dissipation times for soil and ice-sheet layers
        ! =========================================================================

        ! Model parameters (default values)

        ! Soil layer depth (m)
        depth_soil = 1.0

        ! Land-ice depth (m)
        depth_lice = 5.0

        ! Dissipation time (days) for land-surface temp. anomalies
        tdland  = 40.

        ! Minimum fraction of land for the definition of anomalies
        flandmin = 1./3.

        ! Heat capacities per m^2 (depth*heat_cap/m^3)
        hcapl  = depth_soil*2.50e+6
        hcapli = depth_lice*1.93e+6

        ! 2. Compute constant fields
        ! Set domain mask (blank out sea points)
        dmask(:,:) = 1.

        do j=1,il
            do i=1,ix
                if (fmask_l(i,j).lt.flandmin) dmask(i,j) = 0
            end do
        end do

        ! Set time_step/heat_capacity and dissipation fields
        do j=1,il
            do i=1,ix
                if (alb0(i,j).lt.0.4) then
                    rhcapl(i,j) = delt/hcapl
                    rhcapl(i,j) = delt/hcapli
            end do
        end do

        cdland(:,:) = dmask(:,:)*tdland/(1.+dmask(:,:)*tdland)
    end subroutine

    !> Exchanges fluxes between land and atmosphere.
    subroutine couple_land_atm(day)
        use date, only: imont1
        use interpolation, only: forin5, forint

        integer, intent(in) :: day !! The day (starting at 0 for the first time step)

        ! Interpolate climatological fields to actual date

        ! Climatological land surface temperature
        call forin5(imont1, stl12, stlcl_ob)

        ! Climatological snow depth
        call forint(imont1, snowd12, snowdcl_ob)

        ! Climatological soil water availability
        call forint(imont1, soilw12, soilwcl_ob)

        ! If it's the first day then initialise the land surface
        ! temperature from climatology
        if (day == 0) then
            stl_lm = stlcl_ob
            stl_am = stlcl_ob
            ! Run the land model if the land model flags is switched on
            if (land_coupling_flag == 1) then
                call run_land_model

                stl_am = stl_lm
            ! Otherwise get the land surface from climatology
                stl_am = stlcl_ob
            end if
        end if

        ! Always get snow depth and soil water availability from climatology
        snowd_am = snowdcl_ob
        soilw_am = soilwcl_ob
    end subroutine

    !> Integrates slab land-surface model for one day.
    subroutine run_land_model
        use auxiliaries, only: hfluxn

        ! Surface temperature anomaly
        real :: tanom(ix,il)

        ! Land-surface (soil/ice-sheet) layer
        ! Anomaly w.r.t. final-time climatological temperature
        tanom = stl_lm - stlcl_ob

        ! Time evolution of temperature anomaly
        tanom = cdland*(tanom + rhcapl*hfluxn(:,:,1))

        ! Full surface temperature at final time
        stl_lm = tanom + stlcl_ob
    end subroutine
end module